
DLCF’s Four for Life Platform


Male-to-Male Mentorship


This project targets African- American males in need of mental health or medical health services (particularly a subset of that population that typically avoids healthcare treatment). DLCF provides trained, one-to-one peer mentors who demonstrate, teach and model how to access available services


Modified Attitude Behavioral Approach


This personalized training curriculum is designed to change the perception of African-American and Latino males and their families about seeking healthcare services with the goal of removing the stigma and empowering their recovery. The curriculum includes culturally-based, interactive and fun exercises that equip clients with the knowledge and power to understand and change their behaviors.


Community Healthcare Ambassadors Scholarship


This scholarship recognizes and supports African-American students with interests in furthering DLCF’s goals. Recipients will become mentors to African-American and Latino males and their families and will receive training on how to implement the Modified Attitude Behavioral Approach


Community Health Outreach


DLCF collaborates with other community-base service organizations and agencies to provide holistic services to African-American and Latino youth and their families. DLCF has formal agreements with promotional studios, faith-community service program in Atlanta and Las Vegas.